Rupert Baker  
For all things green  
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Woodland Management

New Woodlands

I have worked in commercial forestry, and managed woodlands for 17 years.  I have designed, sourced, and planted new woodlands for clients. I regularly carry out site surveys, and from them produce both planting plans and grant applications to fund the planting.

Existing Woodlands

It is difficult to make any money from woodlands nowadays.  But there will be a world shortage of timber in the future, and a well managed wood can provide a dividend later.
If you have an existing woodland, I can survey it and produce management plans and applications for grant aid, which can provide enough money to allow essential management.  It is all very well to manage a woodland for wildlife and conservation; but much better to do that while growing good quality timber which will be an appreciating asset.

Please contact me to discuss your woodland, or for any other query.

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